Bethel-Hanberry Elementary School Announces E-Waste Awareness Challenge on Tuesday, April 18
E-Waste Awareness Challenge on Tuesday, April 18

For Immediate Release: March 27, 2023
Brooks Boland- (803) 201-4096
Bethel-Hanberry Elementary School Announces E-Waste Awareness Challenge on Tuesday, April 18
Bethel-Hanberry is partnering with MSP Disposal, a global e-waste recycling provider and the Twelve, a sustainability organization to collect electronic waste. Their goal is to raise awareness about the global e-waste crisis.
Starting on April 1st, MSP disposal will be providing boxes for students to fill with their family’s discarded electronics. Students can bring in boxes up until April 18th. On April 18th, the main event will take place at Bethel-Hanberry Elementary, where the boxes will be collected by MSP disposal.
“The Twelve and MSP Disposal’s goal is to make Columbia, South Carolina one of the most sustainable cities around the US,” says founder Brooks Boland. Many e-waste artifacts are sent to Columbia from all around the world. MSP Disposal safely repurposes these devices, by either recycling them to be used in new devices, or by commissioning artists to create sustainable art pieces.
According to the U.S. E-Waste Statistics, it was estimated that each person in the U.S. threw away 46 pounds of e-waste in 2019. Only 15% was recycled or disposed of properly. Many of the materials required to make electronic devices work are toxic or hazardous to human health. If incorrectly disposed of, e-waste can harm people’s health and the environment. It can lead to buildup and toxic runoff in landfills, detrimental impacts on wildlife, and irresponsible stewardship of limited and finite resources.
In 2022, the e-waste awareness challenge began at Bethel-Hanberry with forty students donating 210 electronic devices. After introducing the importance of recycling and reuse of electronic waste to the entire school, the project has expanded to a school-wide initiative. Now, over 700 students will be participating in the challenge in 2023.
“I am excited to support the partnership with MSP Disposal and our Alert classes,” said school principal Shannon Holland. “When the team approached to include all students and families, there was no question. Along with each child being supplied with a box to bring in e-waste from their homes, the students have been part of the art side of the project. The students are building cubes filled with e-waste to help demonstrate the size of this crisis and what it could become if it is not addressed. Starting in elementary school helps build a great foundation for their goal of sustainability in their hometown.”
“Being a part of this sustainability initiative has truly been a watershed experience for my students,” said ALERT teacher Jeanne Blackburn. “The psychology behind the reasons so much E-Waste is occupying space in our junk drawers is fascinating. Although this generation has unfortunately inherited the global E-waste crisis, by raising awareness in our schools, we have agency in replacing the linear, dead-end life cycle for our devices with a circular economy - one where end of life does not have to mean end of use.”
Every home in America has a junk drawer, and many of these drawers hold discarded e-waste. By participating in this challenge, you can help turn that waste into something new instead of letting it clutter your home. This challenge has the potential to be the largest recycling project this year, and you have an opportunity to be a part of it by donating your discarded electronics.